Belt and Road Initiative Provides More Opportunities for Cement Industry
Release time:2017-09-26 07:23:29
After opening and reform policy, Chinese government carried out a lot of policies for the development in Xinjiang. The previous assistant from national government has made the cement production and investment grow rapidly. However, with the rapid development of cement industry, the cement clinker seriously excess expected expectations. In 2016, the utilization rate of cement clinker is just about 30%.
Core economic region of Silk Road economic belt, the belt and road initiative will drive the establishment of five major channels development in Xinjiang.

With the promotion of xinjiang cement industry, xinjiang autonomous zone puts forward to add up investment strength. With the high growth expectations in demand side, there is no newly increased capacity. Therefore, the situation of cement industry will gradually improve.
Against the good background of belt and road initiative, as professional
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